Post graduate studies

Every time which someone ask me if I like continuous my studies after university, I say yes. One of my dreams are continues my studies of psychology abroad, still I don’t know the country to which I want go, but I like Argentina or The United States in America and out of continent, Germany, Italy, UK or South Korea are my goals in academic world.
All this are something very complicated of make for different factors, like money, time, very sacrifice, among others, but don’t is impossible, today the opportunities are so big for this things and the universities and others institutions give support to the students expand their academic horizon.
Always I talk with my mom and my dad about this, and they support me in all my ideas, they saying which I have all their help for that. Sometimes is funny talk with my dad because he say “I go with you”, and I replay “yes dad, whatever you say” hahaha.
Turn the studies, I really like specialize me in the type of psychology of I choose in the future, still I don’t be decided about that but I be completely safe when I say which I put a lot of effort for reach this dream, besides, I love travel so all the more reason I try to make this.


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