Why Psychology? 馃摎

When I was a little girl always wanted to be a Mermaid or a Cowgirl, but with the time my expectations changed a little. While I was growing up I wanted to be an actress, a dancer, a singer, a photographer and a pediatrician, but when I was 13 I found out for the first time psychology, for a personal reason, and it called my attention so much until today.
At the moment of applying to university, I didn’t  have many options, only psychology because I really like this career, the way in which it helps persons to resolve their problems and cure their mental health is very admirable.
When I be accepted to the university my experience until now are soooo special and wonderful because I meet a lot of people (very cute and nice), I make new friends and I learn so many interesting things.
In the future I wish worked as psychologist on my own consulting room and I liked write as a whole with my career, because I believe which my writing someday have seen the light. 


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